Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Work in Progress - The Very Beginning

in an effort to be better about posting, i thought i'd give you a work in progress shot. now, you're probably looking at this and thinking "what progress?!" its there, i promise! this is the very, very, very baby beginning of what will eventually be a one-of-a-kind necklace probably in my granulation style. not 100% sure of the direction it will take in the end, but i had a dream about it, so i figured i better get started. stay with me, it will progress...and hopefully the photo quality, though i don't make any promises on that point :) cheers!


Anonymous said...

stacey, i trust your vision. this is delicious so far and i can't wait to see what comes next! xxx

adrienne trafford said...

i am inlove...this could be little planet families or star clusters...

Michelle said...

I am LOVING the look of this necklace so far! When I read "granulated" my heart started pumpin' ... LOL. Are you going to do all granulated, or have some interspersed with plain disks? I like the idea of the latter ...